First Things First – What’s Your Purpose?
Before you start registering domain names or searching the web for graphics, take some time to think about the purpose of your blog. Is it going to be a blog where you share your daily adventures? Is it going to be a showcase for your classroom projects? There is no “wrong” purpose, but each purpose can influence how you go about setting up your blog. By knowing your starting point of your blog to accomplish in the beginning, you can then determine how and where you will begin. It is okay to change direction once your blog gets going.
Options for Blogging:

- RWLD: Readings, Watchings, Listenings, Doings. When using a blog as your communication form this is multimedia design and you want to grab your readers attention and engage them into what they are reading. This might be from adding YouTube Videos, current News from Cresco Times, and etc. Engage your students with what's happening in your class but have them always thirsting for more information.
- Using Photos: It is so important to remember that even if parents sign a waiver saying they are okay with their child’s image being on the class blog, they may not quite understand what that means. Not only does it mean that they can see pictures of little Billy, but so too can everyone from the Jones’ family, the Smith family, etc. If you really feel the need to include children’s pictures, try to get shots that do not show their faces directly. Safety has to be your number one priority.
Check out some example of Blogs to get some ides for your direction:
Kidblog is a wonderful resource for student blogging. According to Kidblog's website, "is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog. Kidblog's simple, yet powerful tools allow students to publish posts and participate in discussions within a secure classroom blogging community. Teachers maintain complete control over student blogs." Kidblog has several advantages over other blogging sites:
- Teachers can create a class blog, and add student accounts without needing student email accounts.
- Students have their own unique blogging space. They can create posts and comment on other students' posts.
- Teachers have control over approving students' posts and comments before they are published to the blog.
- The site is secure. Students must login to read posts and write comments.
- There are no ads on this site.
- There's an KidBlog App
Check out additional video resources for setting up your KidBlog account:
Adding Students to your Class:
Privacy Settings:
Student View: Write a blog entry
Teacher View: Approving Student Posts
Students View: Writing Comments
Teacher View: Approving Student Posts and Posting a Private Comment on a Student Blog
How to Bulk Upload Users to Your Blog
How to Embed Widgets into Your Blog Posts
Privacy Settings:
Student View: Write a blog entry
Teacher View: Approving Student Posts
Students View: Writing Comments
Teacher View: Approving Student Posts and Posting a Private Comment on a Student Blog
How to Bulk Upload Users to Your Blog
How to Embed Widgets into Your Blog Posts
Another great tool if you are using blogs in your classroom is: Assessment the Web 2.0 Way! Check out this wonderful resource filled with checklist, rubrics, response scoring sheets.